Dr. Steven Hoffman serves as the full time Kantor at King of Glory Lutheran Church, Cheyenne and as the part time Kantor here at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church here in Laramie. Dr. Hoffman also teaches Organ and Counterpoint at the University of Wyoming, and teaches elementary music and directs the children’s choir at Trinity Lutheran School in Cheyenne. Dr. Hoffman served Zion Lutheran Church, Laramie from 1993-1996, and has been back in the Wyoming District since 2000.
Dr. Hoffman earned the Bachelor of Music degree with a double major in Organ Performance and Chorale Music Education from the Lawrence Conservatory of Music, Appleton, Wisconsin, in 1989. At Lawrence, he studied with Miriam Clapp Duncan and George Edward Damp. He earned the Master of Music degree in Organ Performance from the University of South Dakota, Vermillion in 1997, where He studied with Larry Schou. In 2000, he earned the Doctor of Musical Arts in Organ and Sacred Music from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where he studied with internationally renowned teacher and concert artist, Marilyn Mason.
In addition to serving as organist for the Wyoming District LWML Convention this past Summer, Dr. Hoffman served as organist for the Higher Things Youth Conference, called The Feast, in Colorado Springs in July. He is currently assisting Pastor Paul Cain (Trinity, Morrill, NE) with introducing the Lutheran Service Book to the congregations of our Wyoming District.
Dr. Hoffman is writing a book based on his doctoral dissertation on the topic of the relationship between Lutheran theology and sacred music.